Christmas gifts for dogs


Christmas gifts for dogs

Christmas is one of the most magical times of the year, and we all look forward to reuniting with our loved ones and, of course, giving and receiving gifts. Your dog, as part of your family, also deserves to receive his gift, since he gives you all his love and affection every day. We know that you are looking for something that makes you jump with emotion, for this in we put at your disposal basic ideas and others more original so you can give it a pleasant surprise.
If you wonder " what can I get my dog ​​for Christmas ", read on to discover our ideas and get inspired. Anyway, remember that the most important thing is that you enjoy the holidays together, it does not matter if you are going to give him something very simple or very expensive, he only wants you above all else.

1. A comfortable place to sleep

Christmas gifts for dogs -A comfortable place to sleep

Something we can do to counteract the cold that accompanies Christmas is to offer a comfortable and warm bed to our dog. Especially if our dog is older, choosing a bed is a great option to protect him from the cold ground. In the market we will find incredible ideas different from the conventional ones that will surely surprise you!

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 Christmas gifts for dogs 

2. Blankets

Christmas gifts for dogs -Blankets

In the same line, we can look for a blanket with footprints and even a thermal blanket so that it is warm in place when you are far away. All options are valid!

Dogs not only love to cover up to feel better, they also really like to place their blanket themselves to form a kind of nest. This provides them with the comfort they need and, in turn, helps them regulate the temperature. For this reason, if your dog still does not have his own blanket, this is undoubtedly one of the best Christmas gifts. 

3. Warm clothes

Christmas gifts for dogs -Warm clothes

Outside we must also protect our dog from the intense cold. Especially those specimens with little or no hair, very small dogs and elderly dogs. If your puppy does not yet have a coat or a sweater, this is your star gift this Christmas. Discover more ideas in clothing for small dogs.

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 Christmas gifts for dogs 

4. Snow boots

Christmas gifts for dogs -Snow boots

If you plan to spend Christmas in a place where it snows, an excellent idea is to give your dog some booties specially designed to isolate him from the cold without disturbing his well-being. Dogs, in general, do not usually like to wear shoes or warm clothes because they are unnatural elements for them. However, if we choose the right clothes we can help them not to be cold without being a stressor for them.

With snow boots you will prevent their legs from being cold and even burning due to direct contact with ice. They are a good choice for dogs with sensitivity on the pads. 

5. Exercise Toys

Dogs are very special and everyone enjoys a different type of toy. In the market we find toys that help us exercise them both physically and mentally, so at home we can also offer them a correct stimulation.
Starting with the toys that give physical exercise to our dog inside the home, we suggest opting for a ball thrower. This toy automatically throws the ball so that the dog runs to get it. If we teach him how to do it, he can reintroduce it himself to be re-released. Undoubtedly, it is a perfect toy for those dogs that, during the cold, prefer to spend less time on the street, since it is essential that they exercise daily. It is also ideal for puppies with a lot of energy and for tireless adult dogs.
We can recommend the Fetchtastic Automatic Fetch Machine and also the iFretch, but the truth is that there are many that exist. The important thing is to ensure that it is a quality toy and that it cannot hurt the dog.

6. Food dispensing toys

If it is the best Christmas gifts for dogs,  These toys are ideal for all types of dogs, and of all ages, but they are especially recommended for those who suffer from separation anxiety when they are left alone at home, since they offer them entertainment and, at the same time, reinforce a desired behavior: to be calm and entertained while we are not.

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 Christmas gifts for dogs 

7. Intelligence toys

In the same way that we must physically exercise our dog, it is essential to keep his mind well stimulated at home. Therefore, we can get intelligence games of all kinds, since they will be very useful for those days when you can not go down to the park with him because of rain or snow, for example.

These toys are designed to stimulate the dog in different ways. For example, they allow us to stimulate their sense of smell when they must seek prizes, but also their ability to learn when they have to move certain pieces to get them. 

8. Biters

If you have just adopted a puppy, another of the best Christmas gifts for dogs is something as simple as a biter. It will help relieve the pain you experience during the tooth change and, in turn, teach you how to inhibit the bite. Likewise, these toys are suitable for adult and older dogs, since they help reduce stress. The thicker and more resistant it is, the longer it will take to have to buy another one.

9. Dog treats 

Food is something that drives dogs crazy and makes it possible for us to work positive reinforcement with them. For this reason, you can buy all kinds of food including wet food, an extra quality feed, bones, snacks ...

You can also prepare some exquisite dog cookies made by you.

10. Suitable beauty products

Currently, we find a wide variety of beauty products available to the consumer, but how many are made with what a dog really wants? These products tend to respond to our need to keep them clean and with a "nice" smell, however, what is pleasant for us is not pleasant for them.
Camouflaging the natural smell of the dog is a mistake that can cause stress in the animal and the rejection of those of its species. Therefore, an excellent gift for your dog is to acquire beauty products designed not to disturb their well-being. In the market we find different brands that already care about this and elaborate products with natural aromas, present in nature and that, therefore, do not produce rejection in our dog. 

Among the different products that we can acquire, we can highlight the dry shampoos (perfect for long-haired dogs now that it is cold), brushes, conditioners, oils that make the hair shine, toothpaste for dogs, natural perfumes, and even the product to remove the tear stains of the dogs.

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 Christmas gifts for dogs 

11. Harness and/or strap

There will always be some of your everyday objects that need to be renewed. Especially leashes and necklaces we usually use them for a long time and end up showing worn.

12. Casita

If you have a farm or land where your dog usually is, you can think about making a house if you are looking for homemade Christmas gifts for your dog or buy it if you do not have the time for it. In addition to looking great in your garden, it will serve to stay when you are also outside.

13. Badge with name

In addition to the identification chip, you can give your dog for Christmas a badge with his name so that, if it is lost, they can contact you as soon as possible. It is a very cheap gift that will also highlight its natural beauty.

14. Your company

In addition to everything mentioned above, the best gift you can offer your dog to make him happy will be your company. Spend Christmas by his side and do not leave him alone at home, dedicate time, games, an extra walk ..., everything you can think of to brighten his day.


