The 10 best cat breeds for children



A cat is one of the best gifts you can give a child because, in addition to being a great company, it will help them express their feelings more easily, improve their health and teach them values ​​such as respect and love.

Just like humans, cats have very distinct personalities; however, the races have behavior patterns that make it easier to determine important traits when living with
 a child.

Below we show you a list of the best cat breeds for children, with the encouragement that you read this note with your child and together choose the new member of the family.

1. Maine Coon

Who said cats don't like water? The maine coon adores her and will surely have a good time playing with your child in the bathtub.

This breed of cat is very friendly and active, so you won't have to worry about your child getting bored at some point during the day. In addition, he is very docile and will have no problem letting himself be pampered.

2. Persian

The Persian cat is a kitten that is characterized by its calm character and great patience, making it a recommended pet for young children.

Without a doubt, it will be caressed while your child enjoys its soft fur and its cuddly appearance.

3. Ragdoll

As its name indicates, the ragdoll cat is a breed whose appearance and personality is similar to that of a doll: with indescribable beauty and tenderness.

It is not a very playful cat, but being so docile it can become the best friend of a child just as calm as him. He is extremely intelligent, which will allow your child to teach him tricks and have a lot of fun.

4. Siamese

The Siamese cat is a very affectionate kitten that, unlike others, seeks to attract the attention of its fork to spend as much time with it as possible.

He is a very controlling cat, who will surely watch your child at all times and will teach him the meaning of his melodious meows and purrs, the most common ways he uses to communicate.


The Turkish Angora is one of the best cat breeds for children because it is a very loyal kitten, which, like dogs, will allow it to be taught tricks and will bring a toy that has been previously thrown at it.

Like the Siamese, the Angora cat enjoys high places where it can keep up with what's going on in your home and control all movements in the house.

6. Abisinio

Are you looking for a short-haired cat that is very funny? Then the Abyssinian cat is perfect for you. This specimen is famous as a clown in the feline world, since throughout its life it behaves like a mischievous and playful puppy.

It loves to jump and climb trees, so your child will burn a lot of energy with this pet.

7. Snowshoe

The snowshoe cat is a very patient and calm cat that will love exploring the wonders of the world with your child.

He will let himself be pampered on the children's lap while meowing softly. It will also allow you to be trained to perform simple tasks and amaze your friends.

8. Manx

This kitty could be the perfect babysitter! The Manx cat is known for being a tailless cat, with a personality similar to that of a dog: loyal, funny and patient.

Due to its short hind legs it can jump and jump to amuse your child, who will be amazed when they see the cat burying and digging up toys like a dog.

9.  sphinx cat

Thanks to its short fur, the Sphynx cat is the perfect pet for children with allergies. This pussycat has a very calm character, which makes it one of the house cats par excellence.

He is very sociable and intelligent, and also lacks any aggressive behavior, so he can become a good candidate for young children.

10. Creole

Creole cats can be a great option to become children's pets, as they are very loving and some require less care .

Despite this, it is very important to know the kitten's past, as many of them have experienced traumatic situations that can trigger behavior problems that are difficult to manage with a child.

Now that you have read all the options, which do you consider to be the perfect breed for your child?



  • This article is merely informative,  We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in the event that it presents any type of condition or discomfort.
  • The information on this is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis or treatment or for veterinary advice relative to a specific condition. Always seek the advice of a qualified, licensed veterinarian provider.
  • If you feel that your pet may be experiencing any of the above symptoms or you are concerned that they are sick, contact your vet immediately.
  • Do not disregard veterinary advice or delay treatment as a result of accessing the information on this site.
