


We are all interested in knowing how long a cat can live, since we want to spend as much time as possible next to our feline. In this post we will see what the life expectancy of these animals depends on.
We are all interested in knowing how many years a cat can live, since we want to spend as much time as possible next to our feline. In this post we will see what the life expectancy of these animals depends on. Fortunately, domestic cats are living longer and longer. This is so for several reasons. Among them, the fact that the populations of developed countries have more and more education about the care that these animals need. In addition, there is a greater awareness of their needs both physically and behaviorally. On the other hand, advances in veterinary care and preventive medicine (vaccines and other drugs) have made it possible for most domestic cats to live for more than a decade, something rare years ago.

Today, most cats have a life expectancy of between 12 and 15 years of age.
Still, it is difficult to give a single answer to the question of how many years a cat can live, because life expectancy depends on multiple factors, from the environmental conditions in which the cat lives and develops to its genetic determinants. Stories of very long-lived cats are easily found on the Internet. Nutmeg For example, it is a 31-year-old cat, which has been included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Inside or outside the home?

The life expectancy of a cat varies depending on the environment in which it lives. In general, cats that live indoors have a higher life expectancy than those that live in a semi-free regime (with access to the street) or that lead a totally wild life (they do not have an owner) . 
The reason is that cats that live indoors are less exposed to abuses, poisonings and fights or conflicts with other cats, dogs or other animals.
 that cats that live indoors tend to double the life expectancy of those that live outdoors. Additionally, stray cats are at higher risk of contracting contagious diseases such as feline leukemia wave feline immunodeficiency. 
On the other hand, the fact that they do not have regular access to veterinary services makes them more vulnerable to these infections and, in general, to any disease, wound or injury. This is why it is sometimes difficult to calculate how many years a stray cat can live.

The longevity of a cat also depends on its diet

Food is another of the main factors that directly affects the life expectancy of cats. A common phrase among feline nutritionists is that "food is the second medicine." Therefore, a cat fed an insufficient or unbalanced diet will suffer serious health problems in the short, medium or long term. These problems can range from rickets to obesity, going through a long list of pathologies caused by nutritional deficiencies or nutrient imbalance in the diet. That's why it's so important choose a suitable and quality food.

Tips for your cat to live longer

How many years a cat can live depends largely on the care that is provided. Therefore, to get your feline to live longer, you can follow some practical advice:
  1.  Control his exits and entrances to the house and do not let him access areas that are busy or dangerous for him.
  2. Choose a balanced and quality diet that helps prevent diseases and keeps your immune system in good shape. 
  3.  Provide him with the necessary daily exercise to avoid being overweight or obese.
  4.  Learn feline language and be attentive to all the reactions and behaviors of your cat to detect abnormal reactions that may be a symptom of a problem. 
  5.  Always leave fresh and clean water at your fingertips. Some cats don't drink too much naturally and that can lead to urinary tract problems.
  6.  Integrate your cat into the family and make him feel comfortable at home: cats are very stressful animals and stress is very harmful to their health.
  7.   Try not to forget that your cat needs an annual check-up at the vet. 

Calculate the cat's age in human years

Now that you know how many years your cat can live, surely the next thing you want to discover is the equivalence between feline and human age.

We could say that a one-year-old cat would be like a 16-year-old human adolescent. A two-year-old cat would be similar to a 21-year-old person, and from then on, each year the cat turns will be, more or less, about four human years.
In any case, and as we have already explained, the answer to how many years a cat can live is not exact, just as the equivalence between human and feline years is not exact. In reality, it all depends on the environment and genetics, both in the case of people and cats. 
