Mixing food could kill your dog


 Mixing food could kill your dog

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Although it seems exaggerated, you should bear in mind that adding foods with very different digestion can be lethal for your dog. Here we show you why.

When it seems that our dog is bored with feed or dry food, many of us choose to mix it with a little ham or chicken or any other stew that we have made so that it is easier for the animal to swallow. But did you know that mixing food could kill your pet? Although in the vast majority of cases it will not reach this point, it is something to keep in mind.

We are going to tell you the how and why of the dangers of mixing food for your dog. And it is that even being a normal action that we do for the good of our dog trying to give him the best and with the best intentions in the world, we must know the details, which on this occasion are very serious. Don't stop reading.

Why not mix food

Although it is true that we all know that alternating food for our pet is something usual (even advisable), we must understand that the word "alternate" is different from the word "mix". Although they seem to be interchangeable terms, their utilitarian meaning is very different.

To alternate means to change, that is, today we give him feed and tomorrow rice with chicken for the dog, for example. This is not at all harmful to our pet, the danger is when instead of alternating, we mix. To understand the statement, let's analyze the two nutritional aspects and why mixing them could kill your dog.

dry food or feed

This food is created through an extrusion process , which consists of cooking the dry mixture and then molding it into different shapes. The feed in the form of croquettes is usually made up of protein of animal origin (salmon, other fish, chicken, beef and more), wheat, corn, flour, animal fat, rice, vitamins and some vegetable pulp.

The digestion of dry food is quite slow. For this reason, dogs do not need more than two meals a day, because the food they consume with this process keeps them with a full stomach for longer. The digestion of this dry food can range between 8 and 10 hours, since it is how long the fermentation of the food takes.

natural food

Natural foods are those that we consume, which are obtained from raw materials with little (or no) processing. Contrary to dry food, this more apparently healthy food variant is easy to digest and requires very little time to complete.

Where is the danger of mixing food

The danger lies in the mixture of two foods that are so different and with such different digestion processes . When both types of food are mixed, the natural food cannot be digested normally and creates an episode of gas that can lead the animal to have gastric torsion. This happens because the natural food is trapped by the seco, preventing its digestion and becoming part of the fermentation of the seco.

Gastric torsion can end the life of your pet in a matter of hours, so it must be treated urgently by a veterinarian. As studies indicate , the mortality rate of this condition ranges between 10 and 60%, even after applying the appropriate treatment.

How to know if your dog has gastric torsion

Your animal will show you through its gestures. The most common are the following:

  • Being restless while looking at the stomach or the floor
  • He tries to vomit and can't. It may only come out white foam
  • Your abdomen will sound like a drum from swelling
  • You will have visible pain and swelling in your abdomen

If you see any of these signs, even if they seem insignificant, go to the vet without delay. In the emergency center, the dog will be given an emergency fluid therapy and surgery, which is quite risky. It is necessary to return the stomach to its original position through an excision in the abdomen and dispose of excess gases through cannulas or other devices.

Possibility of poisoning

In addition to gastric torsion, it is necessary to take into account that dogs sometimes get food poisoning that is suitable for humans. Even if you think that giving a dog a stew or a dessert is a good idea, remember that the following foods are toxic to them:

  1. Caffeine: coffee, tea, energy drinks and many other preparations for human use are lethal to dogs. Too much of this chemical can cause a very fast heartbeat and lung failure at very low doses.
  2. Grapes and raisins: These fruits contain toxic compounds for dogs that can cause fatal kidney failure. Depending on the dog, a handful is enough to end its life.
  3. Chocolate: this sweet contains theobromine, a compound that is difficult for dogs to metabolize. Therefore, those who ingest it will experience gastric pain, vomiting, nausea and dehydration.
  4. Mushrooms: there is a wide variety of mushrooms, but some are toxic and potentially lethal to both dogs and humans. Do not give them to your dog if you do not know their exact origin.
  5. Bones: The bones of some birds and mammals, especially if they are undercooked or raw, break easily and splinter. This can cause serious damage to the dog if it swallows them.

In addition to these ingredients, keep in mind that a dog should never eat spicy, salty, fried, spicy or sugary foods. If you add any food to its usual diet, make it as natural as possible and always after consulting a veterinarian.

How to get your dog not to get bored of eating dry food

If your dog is one of those who gets bored eating feed, it is possible to split the food intake in two and alternate. You can give him one of natural food and another of feed, but always with enough time difference so that he metabolizes one food before offering the next.

You can also choose to give him 10% natural food with 90% dry food. Those are the exact measures that will not be able to harm your dog even if it is a mixture, since the digestion time varies very little in these cases. Therefore, it is never a bad idea to add a little cooked meat, egg or rice to a feed-based diet.

The danger is when the mixture is made in equal parts. So if you were doing it, stop this practice without delay to take care of your pet's health. Above all, watch this aspect if your dog is large, as they are more likely to suffer from gastric torsion and, unfortunately, in most cases, these conditions end in death.
