Why does my cat smell bad?


 Why does my cat smell bad?

Why does my cat smell bad?

Why does my cat smell like rotten eggs?
Why does my cat smell like fish?
How is the normal body odor of a cat?
Why does my cat smell bad?
What to do if my cat smells bad?

Our little cats wash very frequently, so their body does not usually give off bad odors. However, sometimes we can notice how our cat's body odor changes, becoming strong and even very unpleasant.

This can respond to diseases or infections that require veterinary attention, so, in the event of a change in your cat's body odor, you should go to a veterinary center to find the cause and be able to treat it.

Continue reading this vet.alnwaeer.com article if you are interested in knowing why my cat smells bad , why it is and how to fix it.

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How is the normal body odor of a cat?

Like us and other animals, cats give off a particular and characteristic smell depending on the specimen. However, this smell is practically imperceptible to people. The normal body odor of a cat is slightly reminiscent of fresh hay , which is pleasant and conveys cleanliness, freshness and serenity.

They get this smell thanks to spending a lot of time a day grooming themselves, at which point the saliva coming from their salivary glands releases a deodorant component . In addition to cleaning themselves, cats groom themselves for survival instinct, to eliminate any trace of odor that may attract predators to them.

For this reason, our cats do not usually smell like anything, much less bad. So, if we notice that our cat smells strange or bad, we must go to a veterinary center to find out where this change in its body odor comes from and put a solution to it.

Why does my cat smell bad?

Why does my cat smell like fish, does my cat smell like pee, or does my cat smell like rotten? There are many causes of these changes in your body odor. Among the main ones we find the following.


The infection and inflammation of the ear , besides being very painful for your little feline, produce a very unpleasant odor due to accumulation of earwax, secretions and microorganisms. You can suspect that your cat has this problem if you see him scratching his ears a lot and if, when you get closer, the unpleasant smell becomes much more intense.

Generally, otitis in cats is often due to ear mites , especially Otodectes cynotis, although they can also be caused by microorganisms such as bacteria and some fungi or foreign objects that have entered the pinna. The best way to prevent it is through thorough and weekly hygiene of your cat's ears.


Halitosis or bad breath is a possible cause of bad smell in your cat. Mouth odor can be due to problems at the level of the teeth or gums , such as tartar, gingivitis , periodontal disease , tooth decay or chronic feline gingivostomatitis .

In addition, foreign bodies in the mouth, accumulated remains of food or thorns can cause wounds or injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth of our cats and predispose to bacterial contamination, with the consequent infection, formation of an oral abscess and secondary bad odor. .

Digestive problems

A poor intestinal health can make your cat has flatulence and unpleasant odor gases peel. Some foods that can cause intolerance and digestive problems in cats are milk and grains. Intestinal and stomach diseases or digestive infections and parasites can also produce this effect.


Urinary or fecal incontinence is that the cat cannot control his urethral and anal sphincters. Therefore, uncontrolled urination and defecation are a clear cause of body odor. This incontinence can be due to neurological problems or trauma, such as accidents, among other reasons.

Anal glands

These glands are located under the tail of our cats, on the sides of the anus, and secrete a foul-smelling liquid. The problem appears when the anal glands become clogged , fill and eliminate this liquid, causing the cat to give off a very unpleasant smell.

Sexual maturation

The male cats neutered when they reach puberty, they begin to emit a strong odor characteristic by the action of the hormone testosterone. For this reason, if you have a young cat that is giving off a stronger and somewhat unpleasant smell lately, it may be for hormonal reasons.

Skin problems

Ulcerations contaminated by deep skin damage can cause a bad smell in cats, as can fungi or certain dermatitis such as wet dermatitis. The external parasites also predispose to skin infections and the production of body odor in felines.

What to do if my cat smells bad?

In addition to taking him to the vet if you suspect that the cause of the bad smell is one of those mentioned in the previous section, if you wonder how to make my cat smell good, keep the following tips in mind:

  • The first thing to do is prevent odor with routine hygiene habits aimed at avoiding mouth and ear infections.
  • Digestive problems can be prevented by feeding your cat with specific food for him and in the right amount according to his individual needs.
  • The deworming is also key to avoid parasites that can cause direct damage to the skin and predispose to infections that cause body odor.
  • The hygiene of hair is also important, although to groom, to help them remove dead hair and prevent debris from accumulating and dirt that may predispose odor.
  • It is also important that they drink enough water , since drinking too little can cause bad breath by reducing the formation of saliva, which is key to washing away the bacteria that cause bad odor.
  • On the other hand, your veterinary center will give you specific treatment guidelines according to the health problem your cat is suffering from. The use of drugs or diet and lifestyle changes may be necessary.
  • This article is merely informative, at AnimalWised.com we do not have the power to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the vet in the event that it presents any type of condition or discomfort.

This article is merely informative, at vet.alnwaeer.com we do not have the power to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the vet in the event that it presents any type of condition or discomfort.