9 childbirth symptoms in bitches


 9 childbirth symptoms in bitches

9 childbirth symptoms in bitches

Witnessing the birth of a litter of puppies is an exciting event, both for the proud mother and for human companions. As with people, it is normal that before giving birth certain symptoms of childbirth in dogs are appreciated , which will allow you to be attentive to your pet and accompany her at the moment when she needs you the most.

That is why in vet.alnwaeer.com  we present this guide to easily identify if your dog is about to bring a litter of puppies to the world.

1. Gestation time

Knowing the time when conception took place is necessary to determine the number of days the pregnancy takes and to be able to predict the approximate time of delivery. On average, the gestation period of bitches lasts between 59 7 65 days , increasing the probability of parturition from day 62. This will depend on the breed and age.

2. Body temperature

About 12 hours before giving birth, the bitch's body temperature will drop a few degrees. It is normally at 38ºC, and can drop to 36ºC. You can take your bitch's temperature through a rectal thermometer, which you can use when the bitch enters the last week of gestation.

Consult your veterinarian about how to do this, but if you perceive that the dog is uncomfortable, it is better that you give up taking the temperature, so that she remains calm. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees and you have other symptoms, such as fever or malaise, contact the specialist immediately.

3. Nervousness

Agitation in the bitch is normal when it is only a short time before giving birth. This will cause her to try to stay away from unfamiliar people , especially those who do not have much confidence with her, in addition to avoiding contact with other pets in the home. Likewise, this nervousness will prevent her from feeling comfortable with herself, so you will notice agitation regardless of whether she is lying down, standing or sitting.

4. Company of the master

Despite this nervousness, the dog seeks the company of her master , the person with whom she has the most confidence and with whom she feels most secure. Because of this, a few days after delivery, she will be very insistent on wanting to be with you, asking for care and affection.

This does not mean that you should intervene when you give birth unless it is necessary. Accompany her during the delivery to make her feel safe, but you should only provide help if there are any complications. It is not convenient to be excessively aware of her if she is unreceptive at that moment.

5. Choice of nest

The selection of a nest, a place where to give birth and raise the cubs, is extremely important for the future mother. For this reason, she will start looking for a sheltered and somewhat hidden place where she feels protected, or she will even spend more time in her own bed.

Generally, it is best to respect the dog's decision about where she wants to nest, as long as this does not pose a risk to her and the puppies. Place in the space a comfortable bed for them, with blankets and sheets so that they are warm and comfortable.

Parturition will occur in this nest , whether you prefer to lay on your side or crouch down, whichever you find most comfortable for the cubs to be born.

6. Appetite

Many female dogs lose their appetite 12 to 24 hours before calving , so this is an easy sign to spot. However, it does not always happen, and others may even feed while giving birth, between one puppy and another.

7. Cleaning

Hours before delivery, the bitch will begin to lick her genitals insistently , both to clean the area and to relieve the pain she feels. In the same way, this helps the expulsion of the puppies.

8. Mucus

As with humans, the bitch sheds the mucus plug hours before giving birth , which serves to protect the uterus and puppies from bacteria and infections during pregnancy.

This is yellow or white in color, and may be accompanied by a little vaginal discharge. From this moment on, a maximum of 12 hours elapses for delivery.

9. Contractions

They are the last symptom, and indicate that the time of delivery is imminent . Rhythmic and repetitive movements of the belly are appreciated, which can be seen especially if it is lying on its side. It is normal for you to experience some pain during this stage.
