can cats recover from kidney disease


can cats recover from kidney disease

can cats recover from kidney disease

“Kidneys, whether in humans or animals, are important organs. The kidneys help regulate blood pressure, make hormones, stimulate the bone marrow to make more red blood cells, and remove waste from the blood. If your cat has kidney problems, fluid therapy and dietary modifications are the way to go.”

Diseases of the cat's kidneys that are not treated immediately can lead to a series of health problems. However, early diagnosis and proper treatment help improve the quality and lifespan of a pet cat. So, how to deal with kidney disease in pet cats?

Treating Kidney Disease in Pet Cats

In its early stages, kidney disease that occurs in cats is usually asymptomatic. However, symptoms will appear at least until 40 percent of kidney function is lost. Early diagnosis can make acute kidney failure more quickly detected and treated properly. 

In the second stage of kidney disease, the symptoms that begin to appear are that the cat is urinating and drinking more often than usual. At this stage, the kidneys are working 60 percent of normal. In the third stage, symptoms appear in cats such as vomiting, loss of appetite, dehydration, thrush, and diarrhea when kidney function is below 25 percent.

Kidney disease like chronic kidney failure is a seemingly incurable condition, especially for older cats. Your vet may recommend fluid therapy, dietary modifications, blood pressure medication, dialysis, or a transplant. 

That's why it's important to make sure your cat has regular checkups at the vet. This action can be the first step to find out the disease early so that it can be treated immediately. 

As a cat owner, it is necessary to remember or document any unusual symptom tendencies. This sensitivity helps when the vet determines whether a cat's kidneys need further examination. Especially in cats who are over 7 years old, it is very necessary to get an annual checkup to find out if the cat has kidney problems. 
Kidney disease like chronic kidney failure is a seemingly incurable condition, especially for older cats. Your vet may recommend fluid therapy, dietary modifications, blood pressure medication, dialysis, or a transplant. 

That's why it's important to make sure your cat has regular checkups at the vet. This action can be the first step to find out the disease early so that it can be treated immediately. 

As a cat owner, it is necessary to remember or document any unusual symptom tendencies. This sensitivity helps when the vet determines whether a cat's kidneys need further examination. Especially in cats who are over 7 years old, it is very necessary to get an annual checkup to find out if the cat has kidney problems. 

read also :  What Do Cats Eat?

Give the Cat the Right Nutrition

Providing your cat with proper nutrition can help reduce the risk of kidney disease and kidney failure. Good nutrition can also improve a cat's overall health. If your pet cat has been diagnosed with kidney disease, then it's a good idea to change its diet and pattern to slow the progression of the disease and prolong its life. 

Specially formulated foods are beneficial for kidney health. Restriction of phosphorus in cat food can reduce the severity of symptoms and the development of kidney damage. While lowering high-quality protein helps restore normal acid-base levels. 

Balanced nutrition is an important part of an active and healthy lifestyle. If your cat has kidney problems, proper nutrition can have a positive impact on his life.

Make sure you always provide clean water for the cat. If you suspect that your cat may have kidney problems, talk to your vet

Common Causes of Kidney Disease in Cats

There are several potential causes of kidney disease in cats, including:

  1.  Decreased blood or urine flow to the kidneys.
  2.  High blood pressure.
  3.  Cancer.
  4.  Obstacles such as kidney stones.
  5.  Ingestion of toxic substances.
  6.  Acute dental disease.
  7.  Old age or more than 7 years.

Kidney failure is one of the most severe and common causes of disease in cats, especially in older cats. There are two categories of kidney failure in cats, namely acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure.

Signs of kidney failure usually develop within a week or a month, whereas chronic kidney failure appears over a longer period of time. The risk of cat kidney disease is higher in certain breeds, such as Persians and Angoras. Come on, always take care of the health condition of your pet cat!
