The 11 most affectionate dog breeds


mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection

If you are wondering which are the most affectionate dog breeds, here we will tell you about

 them so that you can choose the most suitable for your lifestyle.

Many families take into account the personality of a dog before welcoming one into their home for various reasons: experience, children, life habits, etc. Therefore, you may want to know the most affectionate and friendly dog ​​breeds to be on the safe side.

Although each canine has its personality regardless of the breed, it cannot be denied that this has a certain influence on behavior due to the selective crossing of specimens. 

If you want to meet these dogs that stand out for their attachment and ability to show affection, you can do it here, so don't miss it.

The 11 most affectionate dog breeds

If you are lucky enough to meet an affectionate and affable dog, you will undoubtedly start the process with a very good foundation for his education. Some of the most affectionate dog breeds  can give you great family moments, so if you decide on one of them, make the most of their company.

1. Labrador Retriever

mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection

The Labrador Retriever is, without a doubt, one of the most popular breeds due to its character. It is a dog prone to being educated due to the great facility it has to understand humans and it shows a very good response to positive reinforcement . 

So much so that it is also used as a therapy dog ​​and is one of the favorites in homes with children.

2. English Bulldog

mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection
The English bulldog is usually won over by its calm and affectionate character, since it

 rarely rejects a show of affection. It usually fits with people with a slow walking pace, since it is not very fond of exercise. 

Good socialization is also necessary to avoid overprotective behavior in this animal.


mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection
The great energy of this dog and the strong ties it establishes with its family make the Bobtail one of the most affectionate dog breeds with humans, especially children . 

It is an animal initially selected to be a shepherd, so it will have to be given an education focused on avoiding overprotection and separation anxiety.

4. golden retriever

mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection

The golden retriever is beautiful and friendly in equal parts. It is surely one of the most affectionate, patient and pleasant dogs in their treatment. Like the Labrador, his character makes him perfect for therapies, homes with children and anyone who wants energetic walks and lots of love in his life.

5. German Shepherd

mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection

The German shepherd is one of the most selected breeds for homes, since it has a great capacity for learning and its loyalty is unquestionable. Like other shepherd dogs, he will need special education to avoid falling into territoriality and overprotection .

German shepherds are often seen working as police or rescue dogs precisely because of how disciplined they are and how temperate their character is.

6. Pug 

mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection

The pug is an enthusiastic, faithful, friendly and very affectionate dog. Although it is usually chosen for its appearance, it is an animal that creates a special bond with its guardians and accompanies them everywhere. Unfortunately, their health is delicate, so you will have to devise a life plan adapted to their needs.

The pug is a brachycephalic dog. Having a flattened face, it is prone to long-term respiratory problems.

7. Yorkshire Terrier

mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection

The popularity of the Yorkshire terrier comes from the great versatility of its character, because with proper socialization it can fit into any type of family. He loves spending time with his guardians and can be a bit capricious, but he is clearly one of the most affectionate dog breeds.

8. Dalmatian

mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection
The Dalmatian is associated with a symbolism of high status due to its elegant appearance. Beyond that, he is a dog that really enjoys attention and has great energy. 

It is very suitable for active people or those who practice sports .

9. Boxers

mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection

The boxer is known as "the eternal puppy", because he never loses the desire to play, no matter how old he is. Although his appearance does not reflect it, he is a restless, fun and energetic dog. He needs long walks and lots of entertainment so he doesn't accumulate too much energy.

10. Dachshund

mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection

Although somewhat stubborn, dachshunds or dachshunds really enjoy playing and learning new tricks. They are very affectionate canines that demand a lot of physical contact with their guardians, which is why they are also considered suitable for families with young children.

11. Great Dane

mirataz purple cat kitten malamute springer spaniel balto ridgeback sheltie big dogs tibetan terrier bouvier hunting dogs esa dog duck tolling retriever parson terrier border terrier puppy big dog purple cat cat vision house cat gun dog otter chameleon raccoon tapir kitten red fox animal house extinct animals endangered animals sea otter sea snake toads possums donkey sanctuary big cat rescue glass frog shark tracker animal rights big cat sanctuary world animal protection

Also known as the "German Mastiff" or "German Mastiff", the Great Dane is an imposing dog due to its large size, but sweet and affectionate. He loves to play and tolerates children very well, although you should supervise his games because his weight can cause unintentional accidents . He doesn't usually have a problem with strangers, but he can be a bit overprotective at times.

The most affectionate real dog breeds: all

Although genetics has something to say in the behavior of dogs, it is unfair to determine a priori which dog is more likeable for its breed. In addition, the protectors are full of dogs in need of a good life  and their individual integrity knows no genetics.

On the other hand, some breeds (such as the pug or the bulldog ) have undergone modifications through crossbreeding to respond to aesthetic fashions that have compromised their health . Although it is not 100% guaranteed, a mongrel dog will have a more solid health than one that has been bred to be more beautiful in the eyes of the human.

What is certain is that you should choose a dog whose character and needs fit you and your lifestyle, regardless of their appearance or genetic proclivity. This will be the best way to guarantee a full life for the dog and many years of great moments for both of them.
